The leaves of the trees were for the healing of the nations...
Revelation 22:2
Healing Hearts ~ Transforming Lives!

About Us
Great Exchange Healing Ministries is a ministry of Restoration to the Body of Christ. We believe, that all Christians suffer from predispositions to certain hereditary illnesses and iniquities that are generational in nature. These must be broken for individuals to live a victorious Christian life.
Great Exchange are members of ISDM (International Society of Deliverance Ministers) under the leadership of Bill Sudduth and Ordained Ministers under the leadership of Dr. Art & Patty Mathias in Anchorage, Alaska.
Our Vision & Mission Statement
We believe we have received a Nation Wide call which is multi-faceted in nature to coach, teach, train, and mentor the Body of Christ in Inner Healing and Restoration.
We believe God provides total restoration for all manner of emotional and physical bondage. It is our desire to see all men, women and children raised up by the power of God and empowered by Him to become strong warriors for the Kingdom of God, walking in victory in every area of their lives!
What We Are Not
We are not an Intercessory Prayer Ministry so we do not take prayer requests at this time. Our God given call is to direct our prayer focus to our inner healing sessions and those we are ministering to. We have provided a list of intercessory prayer ministries under Blogs. Please submit all prayer requests to those of your choosing. God cares for you deeply!
Our Sessions
We conduct One-on-One and Group Ministry Sessions for Inner Healing & Restoration, as well as Life Coaching Sessions. We believe there is no distance in the Spirit, so we also conduct phone sessions for those that live out of state or out of the United States. Our sessions are non-threatening & gentle because it is the Lord Himself whom ministers to our clients through our ministers. We believe the Holy Spirit is a gentleman. Though He is one who speaks with authority, He does not raise His voice when ministering to us, likewise, neither do we. Our God is a God of Love so we choose to operate in the same manner.
Sharing our deepest intimacies is very difficult. Because of that, we pride ourselves on strict confidentiality and privacy for each one of our clients. It is our policy to honor and respect each individual who entrusts personal information to us. We know and understand the delicate nature of those things near and dear to each of our hearts, because we have been where you are.
Our Clientele
Our clients are primarily Christians or those willing to become Christians. We believe this criteria is essential to a successful session. Most individuals come to us tired of battling the same strongholds and desire FREEDOM. They have exhausted many other avenues to get help for their issues. We frequently hear them say, "I have decided I want everything God has for me!" In short, they have surrendered their lives completely and desire to live for God with everything within them.
Great Exchange Healing Ministries